You may be wondering why I’ve scanned page 177 from Gordon Korman’s new book Born to Rock and immaturely hearted the page number.
Here’s the back story: A couple of years ago, Gordon spoke at the SCBWI National Conference and, being the social butterflies that we are (or “stalkers” as some prefer to call us), we managed to hang out with him in the hotel lobby for drinks. It was so much fun talking with him and I probably developed a harmless good-natured crush. After all, he’s a successful published author, funny…and bald (all things listed in my secret crush requirement book).
Well! You need to know that was the first year we won the costume contest by wearing glittery disco outfits (or “hooker” outfits as some prefer to call it) and I wore a pair of EXTREMELY tight gold pants. I actually borrowed them from Jay just minutes before the party started. They were the kind of pants you don’t let your mother know about (check out the picture). And Mom, look away.
Yep, that’s me. The tall one wearing the shimmery gold pants. The kind of girl some people might describe as “leggy” and “blonde” wearing an outfit that appeared to be “spray painted on.” At least, SOME people might describe it like that.
Flash forward to this week when I innocently read page 177 of Gordon’s new novel. Could that leggy blonde be…me!? According to my close friends that I surveyed with that question (which comes to about 72 now), it appears that I have finally been published…as a nameless, faceless, blonde chick in a teen book. Woo-hoo! I’m somebody now!
If the blonde that appears on page 177 of Gordon’s book is not me (but come on…how many tall blondes could the guy have thought about!!??) then I sheepishly retract this statement used for the sheer purpose of psychotic attention-getting (a rare condition also known as “Look at me! Look at me!”).
But I hear Gordon sold the movie rights to Born to Rock. Do I hear a casting call? Jay, give me those pants back!
- Robin
Hilarious! Just so you know, I'm writing a YA novel about a mermaid with a goatee...but it has nothing to do with you, Jay.
- Diana
I'm sorry to inform you that the leggy blonde is not you, it's me. Except that I am neither leggy or blonde.
However, I am fairly certain that I am Gordon's muse since I met him at the very same party and, as evidenced in his hommage to me in BORN TO ROCK, have left a lasting impression on him.
I'm so heartbroken! But after seeing that adorable picture of you on your blog (upside down!) it's so obvious...it's you!
Congratulations! Would you sign my copy, on page 177 ?
Will you be doing book signings?
Will you wear those pants to the signings? You should!
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