During my first phone call with my editor, we brainstormed images we thought would be perfect for the cover. A couple of months went by and, though I'd been told an artist was working on it, my editor wasn't saying much. Finally, just before ending our line-edit phone call, I added, "By the way, I almost forgot, how's the cover coming?"
"Oh, fine," she said.
"Can I see it when it's done?" I asked.
She hesitated, then said, "I can e-mail it to you right now, if you'd like." Yes, she actually said if you'd like.
As it was flying from her computer to mine, she admitted she was concerned about what I was going to think. While she was absolutely thrilled with it, it wasn't at all what either of us had pictured in the beginning.
"It's up," I said. "Are you ready for this? I love it!!!"
That girl on the swing is Hannah Baker. And I love the mood that's set. When people are reading this book, they're going to flip back to the cover many times to re-examine that expression on her face.
Thank you, Christian Funfhausen! I'm honored that your design will be the first impression people have of my book.
- Jay
Woo hoo! First comment.
Love the picture Jay! It's funny...I had already scrolled up twice to study the expression on the girls face before I got the line where you said, "they're going to flip back to the cover many times to re-examine that expression on her face.".
Great cover. Congrats,
That's a winner!!!
Awesome cover, Jay. I wondered what sort of direction the girl was given to have such a compelling (and complex) look -- it can be read a lot of different ways.
Oh yeah, GREAT cover, Jay!
Okay, I think this is like the 99th time I've said this, but, I CAN'T WAIT TO READ THIS BOOK!!!
Now that I have a visual, waiting for the fall seems completely unbearable! That's a cover that's doing its job.
:) Kristen
Very nice! It's different and intriguing, and the girl is unusual-looking.
How totally cool for you!
Also, I like that they put the numerical "13" in the title letters. Very creative!
Jay -
Woohoo and a haerty "wow!" Great cover - and I am so ready to read the book.
omigod, your pub journey just keeps getting cooler and cooler and cooler! amazing cover!
I want Christian to design a book cover for me!!
And I'm with Kristen...waiting for the book to come out is unbearable!
That's great cover! Looking forward to the book. Is that a Chris Crutcher quote??? Yowsa!
Wow, they're really moving fast on this. Great cover, Jay!
Greg T.
Hi Jay, (and Robin and Eve!)
This is Dot from The Mighty Dotificus over on LJ. I don't know if anyone's already told you, but thought you'd like to know that during his breakout session at the NY SCBWI, Ben Schrank used you as an example of great voice. Woo!
(And your cover is great--eye-catching and intriguing.)
Thanks for the kind words, everyone. Now, when you see this cover sitting in a bookstore in October, pick it up and carry it to the nearest register (don't worry, they'll tell you what to do from there).
- Jay
P.S. Thanks for letting me know, Dorothy. It's funny, after all these years trying to figure out what everyone meant by novels needing to "have a great voice" I still have no idea. But at least my publisher thinks mine has it!
Wow, Jay, congratulations! That's a GORGEOUS cover! I'm so intrigued to read you book! Glad you had a happy cover story your first time out.
Absolutely beautiful cover! I would definitely pick it up. :)
I'd buy that book- I WILL buy that book!
-hgpgngqb ( today's word verification- I feel a bit dyslexic after that one)
Wow! it all comes together. How exciting! And, I knew him...them...when.
Love the cover! I just finished the book and I loved it! I really stopped to think about it, and I've only done that with a few books that have moved me. Great Job!
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