Yep. I wanted to be a rock star.
And I recently let it slip that there's a photo in my sophomore yearbook of the very first band I played in. Then someone dared me to put that photo up on my blog. If you've been following this blog for a while, you know that I never pass up a good dare.
So here ya go...

This is Mental Onslaught, featuring Mike on bass, Javier on drums, me on guitar, and my mullet on vocals (hey, it was 1991). Before we formed this band, none of us knew how to play a single instrument. So we basically played rock-paper-scissors to divide up the instrumental duties and then we each immediately signed up for lessons. But we still needed a singer. Unfortunately, everyone was too embarrassed to sing in front of each I was nominated to that position simply because my dad used to sing in a bunch of bands.
C'mon...I'm sure a lot of famous bands started this way!
The deadline for the yearbook was fast approaching, so we snapped this photo and turned it in. (What you can't see are the handcuffs attached to each of our belt loops!) Unfortunately, Mental Onslaught soon disbanded...without ever learning to play an entire song together. But we each bounced from band to band throughout the rest of high school. In fact, after graduating, Mike and Javier joined a punk bad which toured and recorded a couple C.D.s.
But I'm the one getting paid to revisit and explore my teen years again and again. And maybe, eventually, that'll help me figure out whether or not I enjoyed being a teen.
Rock on!
- Jay
P.S. For those about to and my mullet salute you!!!
Love the name! "Mental Onslaught" is priceless. Looks like it's written right on the drums. But Jay, you can't be younger than me! Wahh.
To you I wave my lighter.
Rock on, and um, peace out.
Even the name of the band was classic. It's pretty amusing that the other two actually went on to make a couple of albums, even if they didn't get very far.
We called it the "Beaver Tail" in my small town of Indiana. Either way, the photo is a great salute to a great cut!
After I graduated, it took me years before I'd let even my closest friends look at my sophomore yearbook. I never imagined I'd be posting that photo for the world to see.
But it's all out in the open now...and now I feel free!
- Jay
I want me a mullet - I was more of a "ponytail" teen...oh to have even half that hair now....
You are a brave man for sharing this!
So... who's living room is that? Love the lampshade. I had a great mullet back then too, but it takes a truly brave man to actually show a picture of it to the world. Weeeeee saluuuuute YOU!
I may stop daring you at some point, Jay.
This is getting embarrassing for you. look great with lots of curly hair!!!
Giggle. Snort. Giggle.
I think I would have chosen "truth" over "dare" in this case, Joe Dirt! ;)
And see...technically, you DO rock!
Dude, at least you signed up for lessons. :)
And the mullet is amazing. At least Robin didn't dare you to grow one...
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