My wife drove up with me and got the chance to see her honey in action for the very first time. At one point, she claims, she even had to hold back tears of pride. At another point, she couldn't help inserting herself into a conversation two girls were having about my book by saying, "Guess what! That's my husband!"
Good times and good pizza were had by all...

(Notice CynJay squatting on the right?
Thanks for coming out!)

and members of the book club
You Say Read We Say Party!

in what I'm saying.

to get writer's cramp from excessive autographing."
- Jay
CHECK THIS OUT: Ever hear the phrase "boys don't read"? Well, let's put that ridiculous cliche away! Check out Boys Blogging Books (which includes an interview with yours truly). I'm definitely gonna check these guys out on a regular basis...and so should you.
Looks like you're really getting into the groove with this speaking thing.
Sniff. It was the case of the debut author all grown up! I'm so glad I could be there to see how it's done.
And yes, your lovely wife was positively brimming with pride. Even (or especially) when giggling young girls were asking for your autograph.
(BTW - in the picture I'm not so much squatting as discussing with your luffly agent what questions would most embarrass you.)
Very cool--NYMBC is amazing.
And thanks for the link--looks like a great new blog!
Speaking to groups of teens definitely makes the time that goes into writing a book worth it.
So fun and inspiring!
- Jay
(And thanks for not asking any questions, CynJay...cuz I know my agent could've prompted you to ask a doozy!)
Mr. Asher, looks like being a writer is really fun! I think I may wanna be one too. I can't wait to read 13RW. Also, thanks for the heads up about that boy blog. I checked it out. totally cool.
What's the heat index up there in sunny california? When I woke up, there was actually ICE on the ground!
On Saturday, it's supposed to reach 72-degrees. But it is mid-November, after all.
- Jay
Wow, that's awesome, Jay. You make it look so easy!
What a rock star!
just wanted to mention that this book is amazing. i'm not even finished reading it and i'm trying to think of ways to convince my department chair to let me teach it to my high school freshmen. (or rather, i'm trying to think of ways that she can convince our principal to let me teach it.)
thank you for writing this book and giving teens something to think about that's relevant to their lives.
It was a fabulous event and I thoroughly enjoyed it! I just finished reading 13 REASONS WHY and thought it was outstanding! I'll be recommending this book to others! Congratulations!
Debbi Michiko Florence
Thanks for the mention Jay and the interview! I can't begin to tell you how much your kindness means to the boys!
You are such an inspiration!
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